Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy 3 Week Birthday Andrea!!

The Angel is 3 weeks old today!!!
i wonder when i'll stop being such a novice and count the months and years instead of how many weeks old she is!!!
i know i'm a total beginner but i'm just so amazed at how the time with her is flying!! pretty soon she's going to be huge and i just dont want to miss any part of it...anyway enough of that..took some cute pics of her today after her bath!!

I found an 8 week photography class starting on september 3 its once a week from 6-9 pm so i'm thinking of taking it so i can continue to get my photog feet wet!! we'll see...

Friday, Gustavo and i will be going on our first date since Andrea was born... my mom is going to come and stay with her so that we can go see the time travelers wife!! i cant wait.. i'm dying to read the book as well!! this has been in the makes for like two weeks so it should definately be fun.. but it will also be the longest period of time either of us has been away from the little one but it's good to get used to being away from her little by little.. or so i hear.. LOL!!! AGAIN I'M SUCH A NOVICE!!!

anyway thats about it for now!!
~Andrea's Mommy


  1. Hey! how was the movie? Is it worth it? The trailer seemed kind of weird to me but I still want to see the movie.. so, tell me about it!
    Also.. where is this photography class?? Is it at a Broward community school?
    Give me a call sometime!

  2. heyyy!!! the movie WAS DEFINATELY WORTH IT!!!! even Gustavo loved it and said he would go see it again in the theater lol!!! it was really well written!!... the photography class is on the broward community school website.. they are offering it at cooper city high school and at tequesta trace middle school in weston... its definately a beginners course but i'm sure it will be very informative for me so i'm excited!!!! xoxoxo see you wednesday :)
