Monday, March 1, 2010

my 7 month old

Well as of February 22 i am the proud mommy of my very own seven month old!!!!

warning this rare species may come with bouts of separation anxiety, screaming for no reason at all, wanting everything you have at that moment, fits, and boredom after playing with any toy for more than 5 minutes. said species will also come with the inability to lay still while mommy and daddy change her diapers and any food is game especially what you happen to be eating or drinking at the moment. have fun and enjoy!!

you'll have to excuse my sarcasm lol!!! but my sweet bundle of joy has all of those new special quirks and then some lol but she's growing soooo fast!!! i cant believe we're less than six months away from her first birthday :) WOW!!!

andrea has moved on to three month appointments so i dont have any stats to report this month however i do know that she's sitting unsupported extremely well, she's desperately trying to crawl, we've become pretty liberal with her diet as she's now eating her babyfood and baby cookies along with what ever we may be eating at the moment. She's good with playing with her toys but gets bored very easily, she loves to play with other babies and is showing more and more how much she loves her family!!! Shes my big girl!!! and i'm so proud of how well shes doing!!


1 comment:

  1. Oh my! she's adorable! and you'll have to make a TuTu for me!.. well for Gaby that is!
