Thursday, July 30, 2009

God's Perfect Design

How can i possibly sum up into words the most amazing gift that i've been blessed to receive.
is it watching her sleep
is it the way i see the whole world in her eyes
is it watching her take in each delicate breath
is it knowing that with God's help my husband and i gave this beautiful angel life.
is it the way she holds my finger in her tiny hands
is it knowing that the moment she took her first breath my entire life changed forever

The moment my angel came into this world i had no idea the journey that had begun.. now looking back 7 days later i'm in complete awe each time i look at her..each time her tiny almond shaped eyes look up at me as if to say i know you're my mommy.. each time her tiny hands grasp my fingers or when she snuggles against my heart.

I have only God to thank for blessing us with such an amazing gift a gift that only he could bestow upon Gustavo and I. It's funny.. you go through an entire 9 months of pregnancy living your life as if nothing had changed coming and going to weekly and monthly doctors appointments.. going here and there.. doing blood work and seeing specialists only to hear what could or could not be going on with this tiny bubble of life growing inside you... you worry and you cry because you feel out of control all the while knowing that the only true way to know what is going on inside of you is to wait it out until that first breath.. when you can see her feel her and know that everything is fine... its like you're carrying around the most amazing secret and it's living inside of you.

Even the amazment of pregnancy however, the growing of a beautiful life inside of you does not compare to the moment that life is brought into this world... hearing that first cry, seeing those tiny feet and hands... realizing just how delicate life is. Knowing you had a part in it... feeling the awe and wonder of how life will continue to change and unfold.. yet knowing you will never truly be able to tell the future and that each and every step of the way will continue to be as much of a surprise as each ultrasound, each doctor's appointment, and each breath that little miracle takes. You are now responsible for this life, this amazing person. You are no longer just is no longer just gustavo and i now we have become three. The we that we once were has expanded into this beautiful family this beautiful gift..."God's Perfect Design"

Now with each breath my perfect Andrea takes in i feel blessed... blessed to know shes ours blessed to know that she grew perfectly in my belly for 9 months... blessed to know that the Lord entrusted us with such an amazing gift and responsibility... i'm able to look back at each flutter and hiccup that i felt inside of my stomach and inside of my soul and see her now alive and well with each kick all the while thinking fondly of those perfect 9 months where it was only her and i... a bond which i know now could never be duplicated. I would do everything again in a split second... she was more than worth it...

I know this is only the beginning of our amazing journey into parent hood and i'm already completely in love and overwhelmed all at the same life couldn't feel more complete if i had written it in a story book...God has blessed us in a tremendous way...and i will never forget the favor he has shown over our family...he has fit every single piece of lifes puzzle together in a perfect way showing his hand in our love story every step of the way.. i'm more than grateful to him for that... for giving us a tiny glimpse into his amazing power.. for matching me with a husband whom he created just for me.. and then matching us with a perfect daughter made just for us...

She is truly God's Perfect Design.

Psalms: 127:3
Children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.

Jeremiah 1:5
Before i formed you in the womb i knew you, before you were born i set you apart.

One night a man dreamed he was walking along the beach with the lord. as scenes of his life flashed before him, he noticed that there were two sets of footprints in the sand. he also noticed at his saddest, lowest times there was but one set of footprints...

this bothered the man. He asked the Lord,
Did you not promise that if i gave my heart to you that you'd be with me all the way? then why is there but one set of footprints during my most troublesome times?

the Lord replied, My precious child, i love you and i would never forsake you. During those times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then I CARRIED YOU.

"i'll take a breath take him by my side we stand in awe, we've created life"

"With arms wide open under the sunlight welcome to this place i'll show you everything with arms wide open. now everything has changed i'll show you love i'll show you everything."

"i hope she understands that she can take this life and hold it by the hand and she can greet the world with arms wide open"


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