There's a phrase that coincidently is tatooed on my husband's ribs it's an old quote which reads "Only God Can Judge Me"
i think that can be a lot to swallow for many people .. myself included... although i understand that truly God is the only one to judge anyone that can be a difficult pill to swallow at times...We really have no right to judge anyone but tell that to the girl that was raped, the child that was molested, the person in prison for a crime they didn't commit, or the widow whose husband was can any of those people be expected NOT to judge...i look around and i see so much beauty in life so much to be thankful for... so many opened doors courtesy of the Lord and i feel blessed... but at times i also see a lot that saddens me... i feel for those around me that have been overtaken with the wrong in the world because it keeps them from seeing that same beauty...
It can be so hard sometimes to let that wall down.. the wall that keeps part of you locked away from those you love because you're more terrified than you could ever let yourself realize...but sooner or later fears must be dealt with whether you're aware they are there or not... how sad is it that so many of us experience some traumatic experience or another at any given point in our lives... we THINK it's been dealt with only to come to find out years later that so much time has passed and we're no better than we were the moment the rollercoaster can a person manage not to judge... not to feel they're owed something... the question is what??? what is it that could be gained from judging someone who has wronged another...what does hatred or disguist or anger get you??? where does it leave you... when does it make the memories stop haunting you? when does judging allow you to move on with your life, or stop the nightmares which inevitably come lurking... i guess the answer is that judging another in no way allows you to achieve any of those things... it's my opinion and observation that the only one that can achieve any of those is Gods Healing... he will heal your heart and put you back together again... it may take a very long time, you may find yourself years in the future looking back and realizing that yet another wall has come down allowing Him to bring you into the next step of your healing... but that's part of it...that's part of his love.. that's his way of saying ok now you're ready for this next phase... it will hurt in the beginning and i know you're scared but it's ok because i'm with you... being accepting of his healing is the only way to get from one chapter to the next..i guess i'm still learning that...
take a look around... soak in the beauty ... look at your children, your spouse, your family, your friends, your life... allow yourself to see the bigger picture, the simplicity in a child's eyes, the sincerity in their smile... understand that new life is God allowing you just a simple glimpse of his work and how truly amazing he is...
Look at your child so innocent and genuine...and realize that God has a plan for that child and for you... there's a reason you have been blessed in such a way... There are no mistakes in Gods Perfect Design.. and children are a heritage from the Lord...
Each time your little one looks up at you each time they smile each time they snuggle close to your heart... know that none of it would've been possible without him...He's allowing you that special gift...
look at your spouse and realize that you're not whole without the other... that God took Adam's Rib and from that created Eve... just the same he took your husbands rib and created you and vice versa...God brought you to the man or woman created precisely one for the other... how much more awesome does it get...
Look at your beautiful family and realize the support system you have which yet again was God's way of saying here are your angels on earth to help you along the way...
Look at your life and the path that has been set forth for you to walk... for you to realize God's plan every step of the way...
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