Tuesday, September 28, 2010


As i stated in my previous post about vacation the week before we were set to leave she got pink eye in both eyes and an ear infection. i got pink eye and a sinus infection lol by the time we came back from vacation her pink eye had come back and her ear infection jumped to the opposite ear.. and gustavo had strep throat which turned into a sinus infection.. as well as pink eye... it was rough to say the least... we're all healing now and probably about 90% back to normal... last night andrea had a fever which seemed to have subsided by this morning so i sent her to school. Also this past weekend was pretty rough for her asthma. Pollen count is on the higher side so this is probably going to be a rough breathing week for her.

Being that gustavo or myself have never sufferd from asthma this is all kind of weird and unexpected... (kids of asthmatic parents are 6 times more likely to develop asthma) its like she just became asthmatic from the clear blue sky... and its hard to see her struggle and not be able to do anything about it. As a parent i feel out of control and frustrated. It's hard. These days so many parents struggle with one thing or another and the lucky ones who dont well i'm starting to think they're the minority...all in all theres basically nothing i can do but hope that she grows out of it and pray for her to be able to once again breathe easy.

Other than that i have her on vitamin supplements to boost her immune system and for her asthma.. i try to get her to drink tea that reduces the effects of it as well... and i try has hard as i can to stay on top of the house cleaning to eliminate anything that could complicate her symptoms since pretty much everything you can think of is a trigger for asthma.

She is also being monitored on a monthly basis for he weight by her pedi... at 14 months andrea is only weighing 18.1 ... not good.... mealtimes are stressful because its not like she just doesn't want to eat... she doesn't want to eat and i have the pressure of knowing that she's underweight all at the same time... hubby doesn't stress over her weight or what she eats anymore but i cant help it. Its been tough... being that my in laws dont live here and my parents are expecting ... basically its just us.. and thats ok but man when it rains it poors and sometimes all you want is that extra support.

anyway thats the update on my baby girl... other than that shes meeting all of her milestones... shes a walker and almost runner lol and she's becoming very verbal which is great!


  1. I'm glad you are all feeling better!

    Neither of my parents have asthma and all 3 of their kids did....but it does get easier as you get older and your airway grows! (I only have exercise induced asthma but my sisters was bad when she was young.....and I can't even remember the last time she had an attack).

    And I know what you mean about it being hard with no help...we are in the same boat. But if you ever need anything, I am just a messsge, text, call away!

  2. Liz! Call me girly!! I have no family here either.. but we are just used to it by now!
    Life over here is busy as heck too... but we can always meet up on a weekend or something!

  3. Adri!! im definitely taking u up on that offer... im working allll weekend but the following weekend if you're free i would love to hang out!! xoxoxo

  4. Lindsay!! thank you so much for the advice i know we dont hang out often but i appreciate you always checking in i think the three of us plus our little ones should definitely start getting together more often... i know i'm more out of the loop these days since i moved but i will definitely make time during the week whenever you're free in pines. xoxoxox

  5. Yes, we definitely have to start getting together more often! I usually have free time on weekends, too, so we'll make it soon :)
