Monday, August 24, 2009

helloooo there!!!

well... last week was kinda crazy... we had company from out of town soo i didn't have much time to keep up with my blog... but i'm back now!!!
i have so much to report!!!
Andrea turned one month old on the 22.. she's doing soooo well... i'm such a happy mommy!!! today i took her to the ped.. and it was a fantastic visit!!! she is weighing 8lbs 7oz... and is 20 3/4 inches long... she's reached each of her milestones... baby talk, smiling, and getting stronger with holding her little head up!!! she also got a second dosage of the hep b vaccine today... she cried for a few minutes but seemed to feel better after i held her for a bit... i cant say what a great feeling it is to know that just by holding her close to me i seem to soothe her... its such a beautiful feeling...

Gustavo went back to work today ... it was so weird waking up to the complete quiet and no hubby snuggling close by... but so far day one minus the hubby is working out well... i made my coffee took andrea to the ped... came home sanitized some bottles... fed her... put her down.. clipped some coupons ... scheduled a play date... put a call in to set up an interview for a potential sitter...defrosted and seasoned chicken for dinner tonight... and now here i am!!! i feel like i've had a pretty productive day so far.. also i'm trying to get a full day of power pumping in today so far so good!!

On another note... i found what looks to be a pretty informative photography class in weston that i'm going to register for... it starts next week i'm definately looking forward to that its only once a week at night so i figure it shouldn't be to bad... i'm gonna miss the little one though...but i'm sure daddy will have it all under control :)

this weekend was nice... friday the hubby and i went on another date :) we walked around downtown hollywood and stopped in for some pita and humous at a greek restaurant... it was nice... we had some coffee and came back home.. i love going on dates with my husband... lucky for me we get to do it for the rest of our lives!!!

Saturday we stayed home for the most part... i developed some pics of andrea to give to the family ... and sunday andrea and i went to church..and then we went to my aunts house for my cousins birthday... it was nice to see everyone and they were all happy to be able to see andrea...all in all it was a great weekend!!!

thats it for now...
~Andrea's Mommy


  1. YAYYY ANDREA IS GETTING BIGGER!! I'm happy the dr appointment went well! It was GREAT to see you guys and play catch up with you i miss my prima! xoxo
